Celebrating the 350th without the poor?

John Freund, CM
July 11, 2010

“Can you imagine a celebration of the Anniversary of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac without the Poor?” Gene Smith, former President of the SVDP-USA, offers his reflections on celebrating with those who are poor.

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1 Comment

  1. Georgia Hedrick

    Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?

    Didn’t Jesus say, “the Poor you have with you always, Me, you do not.” or something close to that.

    Anyone want to help a poor family file for bankruptcy with me helping them with the paper work? Believe it or not, it costs money even to go bankrupt! Even when you have no money to pay bills, it costs money to file to say, ‘I have no money’. Now there’s another contradiction in terms! geez. Even the law makes sure that we always have the Poor with us.

    Feel like donating to help this family file for bankruptcy so they can start over again? I am a former Daughter of Charity. All money goes to a 501c3 corp named UNLIMITED INTERVENTIONS, out of which we pay lawyers. Interested in helping? Email me.

    Georgia Hedrick