Michael Thio (Singapore) elected International President of the SSVDP

John Freund, CM
May 30, 2010

Michael Thio, former International Vice-President of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul, has been elected to succeed Jose Ramon Torremocha. He was formerly the Managing Director of BT (British Telecom) South East Asia and now serves in the capacity as Senior Consultant. This marks the first time a non-European has held the Presendiency.

He is the Vice-President General of the International Council General of the Society of St Vincent de Paul which is headquartered in Paris, France. He is a Knight of the Order of Malta, Singapore and is its Treasurer. He is a Member of the Archdiocesan Finance Commission and the Investment Sub-Committee. He serves as Honorary Treasurer of the Catholic Welfare Services, St Theresa’s Home, St Joseph’s Home and Villa Francis Home for the Aged. He is also Chairman of the Catholic Kindergarten Management Committee.

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  1. Rolando Daniel Flores Arreola

    Que el Señor te bendiga durante la gestión y misión a la que has sido llamado. En mi Conferencia del Señor de las Misericordias de la ciudad de Guatemala, del Centro de América, estaremos orando siempre porque el Espíritu Santo te ilumine. Un abrazo vicentino.

  2. ROdrigo Vieira Ribeiro

    Na condição de Jovem vicentino e coordenador de pastoral da catedral de Cruz Alta-RS, Brasil, parabenizo Michael Thio,nosso novo Presidente, e que São Vicente de Paulo lhe de força na caminhada para que continuemos a realizar o sonho de Ozanam de Criarmos uma rede de Caridade.

    End: Catedral de Cruz Alta- RS, Brasil

    Coordenador de Pastoral: Confrade Rodrigo Vieira Ribeiro

    Avenida Venâncio Aires, número 729


  3. Sister Trinitas


  4. Benedict Park

    Congatulations !!!

    Micael Thio ! Congratulations on your election to the General President

    Together, it hopes to go global Vincentian

    I hope to meet in Goa

  5. Sr. Mercedes disu,D.C.

    Congratulation to Mr. Michael Thio on your election as General Presedent of the SSVP. We hope to see you in Cambodia.

  6. G.A.Williams


    I hope that when Micheal Thio come to Australia to meet with his counterparts here in the ACT, NSW and Vic. that he pays close attention to the article at the above internet link provided?

    It is extremely disturbing to read the contents on that web page as outlined by the author.


  7. Ruban D'Almaida

    Congratulations on your election as CGI president. Expected Your presence in the PANASCO 7. Hope and foresee your frequent visits to India – a neighbor country. My prayerful wishes to you.

  8. Jeremy Ing


    Congratulations a well deserved appointment and reward for many years of dedication to those not as fortunate as many of us.
    I hope we will be able to catch back up again.

