A Leadership School for the Poor

John Freund, CM
May 15, 2010

“A school of community-based leaders who facilitate knowledge formation among themselves and their communities in order to deepen and develop with them new directions towards nation-building.” represents the vision of Adamson University’s School of Good Governance for Social Development

Adamson governance-school

The statement seeks the institutionalization of the skills and learnings of seasoned leaders. Using a systemic approach and marrying institutional leadership approaches with community-tested ways, the end-goal is to solve poverty and bring back the off-tangent democratic venues and processes to their original path where stakeholders participate through informed decision making. The organizational and leadership skills of born leaders will be enhanced and harnessed so that these same resources can be passed on to others who will continue to lead their people towards a more dignified life. The learning process will be horizontal, engaged and community-led, and the leaders themselves will serve as faculty. The Adamson community, as well as other experts in their field of competence, will be there as a support group.

A six-pronged mission statement accompanies the vision: to provide a venue where seasoned community-leaders can share and formulate theories out of their experiences and learnings; to discover new directions and emerging cultural and national patterns out of  the experiences of  the leaders and other stakeholders; to implement their processed knowledge together with their communities into new paths towards nation-building; to organize all these initiatives and  peoples’ movements into a nerve center so that it can be replicated to the other sectors of society; to strategize and pull together all their social and intellectual capital towards higher political engagements; to provide intellectual, managerial and technical skills to our leaders

(Individuals and organizations that wish to volunteer, partner with or extend financial support to ICES-VCSR may contact the office at tel.:400-0919 and 524-2011 loc 259).

Raul Agner
Editor, The Adamson News (monthly) and Touchstone Magazine (quarterly)
Director, Institutional Development and External Affairs Office (IDEA)
Adamson University

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1 Comment

  1. angie

    What a unique way to evangelize and serve the poor! I support the initiative and the creativity in thinking new ways and means in order to assist the marginalized and their communities regain their rights and privileges in a democratic manner. Indeed, a systemic solution is needed in order to solve the problem of corruption… This school is a hope that shall light the direction towards this movement of people empowerment.