12-part television series to celebrate the 350th Anniversary

John Freund, CM
May 5, 2010

On behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, and Catholic Life Television (CLTV), a media ministry of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, I thought you might like to know we are producing a 12-part television series to celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the deaths of Sts. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. The series will air on CLTV sometime in July or August of this year.

Dear Vincentian Family,

On behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, and Catholic Life Television (CLTV), a media ministry of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, I thought you might like to know we are producing a 12-part television series to celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the deaths of Sts. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. The series will air on CLTV sometime in July or August of this year.

We are grateful to have your website as one of our resources! The reflections are lovely, and we are adapting them for our series.

I have emailed the script and storyboard for the first program to ‘350famvinen@gmail.com‘.

We have are very pleased to have received permission from De Paul University, to access their pictorial archives and are very grateful to have such beautiful artwork to help illustrate our programs.

We have also received permission to use the Vincentian Reflections, which are published by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, USA.

I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Please let me know how I may give your proper credit for your beautiful reflections. I would also appreciate knowing when the remaining 4 reflections will be posted. If possible, it would be very helpful, if we could get them ahead of the monthly web postings. We hope to complete our tapings in July.

Thank you again for your wonderful work. Please keep me and our production team in prayer!

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Connie Anderson, Producer
Beacons of Light 2010
BR Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic Life Television
Home Phone: (225) 292-6159
Cell Phone: (225) 892-6159

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