In the wake of the earthquake in Haití, the Vincentian Family and the people with whom they serve and and live are enduring another trial: this time in Chile. We have not heard much, but we have the following news through the C.M. province’s Facebook presence, suggesting things are stable. There are two entries, one from early in the morning and an afternoon update.

7 A.M. Saturday: Congregación de la Misión: Provincia de Chile Terremoto: Cohermnos bien en Valparaiso, Los Lagos, Macul. No hay noticias aun de Alameda y Collipulli… HHCC bien en Valparaiso, Hosp. Salvador de Stgo…..Earthquake: Confreres well in Valparaiso, Los Lagos, Macul. No news yet of Alameda and Collipulli … Daughters of Charity well in Valparaiso, Hosp. Salvador de Santiago…
2 P.M. Saturday: Congregación de la Misión: Provincia de Chile Actulaiza, más información: Todos los padres, hermanos y estudiantes de la provincia están bien y sus familias también, hasta donde sabemos. Las casas con algunos daños -al parecer San Justino es la más dañada- los templos también con daños menores, auqnue habrá que evaluar mejor…Updates– more information: All fathers, brothers and students of the province are well and their families also, to our knowledge. The house sustained some damage, it seems that St. Justin is the most damaged, the churches also have minor damage, although should be better assessed…

If you are a Facebook user, you can connect to their page with this link.

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