Vincentian Treasurers from Asia-Oceania Hold Seminar

John Freund, CM
February 18, 2010

Six Vincentian treasurers and two potential treasurers,  representing six provinces and one mission of the Asia Pacific Vincentian Conference are holding a workshop at Adamson University in Manila from February 8 -26.  Facilitating the workshop is Fr. John Gouldrick, C.M., Econome General.

Workshop participants include the following confreres:  Fr. Aldrin Suan, Philippine Province; Fr. Filimoni Vosabalavu of Fiji, Australia Province; Fr. Henricus Susilo, the China Province; Fr. Mathew Maliekal, Northern Province of India; Fr. Paul Parackal, Southern Province of India, and Fr. Rudy Sulistijo of the Province of Indonesia.  Also participating are Fr. Homero Marin of the Province of Colombia, serving in the Congregation’s international mission in Papua New Guinea and Fr. Emmanuel Lapaz of the Province of the Philippines, recently assigned to Papua New Guinea.

While by and large most of the time available is given over to learning and developing accounting skills and related management techniques, the workshop also aims to fulfill other important objectives:

1.      to deepen the treasurers and treasurers-to-be knowledge of the of the Vincentian approach to financial management, as seen through the eyes of confreres who have written or given talks on this topic – namely, Frs. Maloney, Rybolt, and Franz;

2.      to deepen the group’s appreciation of Pope Benedict’s most recent encyclical , Caritas in veritate, particularly the aspects of the encyclical treating the issues of globalization and economic ethics:

3.      to reacquaint the participants with the references to provincial treasurers in the articles of the Constitutions and Statutes;

4.      to share experiences in the developing area of micro-finance, facilitated by a presentation from Fr. Mario Castillo, current advisor on micro-finance projects to the Archbishop of Manila; and

5.      to acquaint the provincial treasurers of the APVC with one another through their cooperation on a common project, with a view toward opening the door for further cooperation in the future.

Adamson University has been particularly helpful in the preparation and continuing coordination of the three-week program, beginning with the support of the President , Fr. Gregg Banaga,  the Provincial Treasurer, Fr. Aldrin Suan, and the daily attentiveness of  Ms. Pamela Mantuhac, Director of the Vincentian Center for Asia Pacific, and her student assistants.

Vincentian Center for Asia Pacificand Office for Vincentian Identity & Mission
900 San Marcelino St., Ermita
Manila, Philippines 1000Telefax :      (63)-(2)-521-8360
Tel. No. :      (63)-(2)-524-2011 loc. 315
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