Vincent's Pulse - Statistics from the front lines

John Freund, CM
November 21, 2009

Vincent's Pulse

pulse 3
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pulse 7

To understand some statistics one needs to be an economist. There are other statistics that are quite revealing. Vincent could tell the state of affairs by how many people showed up at the doors of St. Lazare. “Vincent’s Pulse” , statistics for the rest of us, will feature under-reported statisticsĀ  from street level rather than the stratosphere. We welcome alerting us to suchĀ  statistics from the front lines.

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1 Comment

  1. Georgia Hedrick

    Since this country (USA) is so addicted to numbers, every single one of us should watch the ‘A TOUR OF POVERTY’ video. It puts into numbers just what poverty looks like in numbers, for real people, every single day.

    Add to hunger, the consequences of hunger, as well as the consequences of a poor or non-existent diet, and you have an uneducated population, that is obese from fatty stuff that fills but does not nourish, that is sickly, that has poor teeth, and see us, one out of 8 of us.

    With that knowledge,each of us ought to get off our duffs and do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, which is always better than nothing.

    Adopt a family at the very least, I think. gh