Heroes and Heroines of the Vincentian Family

John Freund, CM
November 2, 2009

heros-andVinFormation has added another section entitled “Heroes and Heroines of the Vincentian Family” Tell us what you think and who you think should be included in this list by clkicking on the contact us link on this page.

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  1. Georgia Hedrick

    What a supremely great idea!!! Marguarite Naussau is my hero and she always was. Her method of learning to read is with me for forever–one word at a time, from the Bible, by asking passers-bye (or is it by?) Anyway, she was dedicated.

    There is no photo of Sister Fredericka McGrath who served in Virginia City from 1864 through 1886–22 years. There is a wall painting of her in the St. Mary’s Church Museum Her first words on getting off of the Stagecoach on Oct.15, 1864, were to her 2 Sisters:”Look at the children! They are so sad! We must teach them to play.”

    Sr. Fredericka did that, and a whole lot more over the 22 years she was in V.C.–the school, the orphanage, the hospital and door to door service.

    Add to all this, she and her Sisters did all this on land that was like, living on the side of a roof, at a 45 degree angle up and down, as they said.

    That a hero, too! gh

  2. Georgia Hedrick

    One more thing about Sister Fredericka: she served the people who noted her walking ‘with a limp’. (They could tell it was she coming that by seeing that limp. I do not know how she got the limp, but it is one more thing to add to the Sisters who Served in VC: at a 45% angle, and with a limp, and for Sister F, for over 22 years in V.C. gh