St. Vincent's chief says health care is a right

John Freund, CM
October 16, 2009

DC-logoSt. Vincent’s Health System Chief Executive John O’Neil told Hoover business leaders Thursday that health care is a right, not a privilege, and said uninsured Americans deserve 100 percent coverage and 100 percent access. Full story.

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1 Comment

  1. Georgia Hedrick

    I agree that health care is a BASIC CIVIL RIGHT FOR ALL! I agree with this so totally and completely!

    How does one have life without health? How do we remain healthy with out health care? To me this is so basic, so logical, so sensible that I cannot see how we have allowed insurance companies to have such control over our lives, and our health! Yes, health costs money and there is the problem, I know.

    But love costs, too, and if we all just knew how to love, to give, to share, to make allowances for need, we’d look at health care as just a natural extension of love.

    Money is the problem. The love of money is the problem. Somehow, someway, we have to show the world that life is more important than money, and
    doing that, we shall have a healthier world.

    Now, how does one do that? gh