Vincentian Family Tree

John Freund, CM
September 22, 2009

vin-family-treeVinFormation has just added the first draft of a feature on the Vincentian Family Tree as described in the historic work of Sr. Betty Ann McNeil, DC. (Please note that this format can easily be adapted to reflect details of your own congregation or organization. Please use the “Contact us” form on any famvin page.

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  1. sr. mary anne, dc

    Thank you Sr. Betty Ann, for this magnificent work! It is good reading especially as we gather to celebrate Charity-Mission as a Vincentian Family. How many of these Congregations are still in touch with one another and shall we all be represented in Rome on September 25, 2010 for the Closing Mass of the 250th Anniversary?

  2. Paule Freeburg, DC

    Thank you, Sr.Betty Ann for this great work. It’s wonderful to learn more and more about the family.The charism Vincent lived is everywhere. Confirms my belief that Vincent de Paul is the greatest man to live since Jesus!
    And thank you to FAMVIN for sharing it with us.