"SoulFire" - the Daughter of Charity who inspired Ozanam

John Freund, CM
September 8, 2009

Screen shot 2009-09-07 at 8.31.32 PMIn conjunction with the celebration of the birthday of Bl. Rosalie Rendu, September 9, 1786 VinFormation is happy to present “SoulFire”, the story of Rosalie Rendu, DC. who played such a key role in the life of Bl. Frederic Ozanam who fest day is this day. Alma /gh  graciously shares her labor of love dedicated to the memory of Sr. Patrice Murray who asked her to write about Rosalie. For more material on Sr. Rosalie visit the Vincentian Encyclopedia.

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1 Comment

  1. georgia hedrick

    I got all four parts showing on my browser!

    Here’s to you, Patrice! I did it! Walk with me as you have always done!

    Thank you Fam Vin for showing the work.gh/Alma