International 350th Anniversary website - 6 languages

John Freund, CM
August 27, 2009

vinfam350logoWe send you this communication to inform you that on the web page of the Vincentian Family it is now possible to access a section dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the deaths of Saint Vincent and Saint Louise.  Clicking on the website you will see a window with the logo of the anniversary.  Clicking on “more information” will open an international page dedicated to the anniversary in your language (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish). Clicking finally on the language chosen you will have the means to read documents and information of events, celebrations and planned initiatives for the occasion of the anniversary.

To the members of the Vincentian Family

Dear Friends, The grace of Our Risen Lord be always in your hearts!

We send you this communication to inform you that on the web page of the Vincentian Family it is now possible to access a section dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the deaths of Saint Vincent and Saint Louise.  Clicking on the website you will see a window with the logo of the anniversary.  Clicking on “more information” will open an international page dedicated to the anniversary in your language (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish). Clicking finally on the language chosen you will have the means to read documents and information of events, celebrations and planned initiatives for the occasion of the anniversary.

We encourage you to take advantage of the possibility this window offers you to share texts, photos, audiovisual presentations, etc., that you prepare for the coming  celebration.  You can send the material to the following e-mail address:, to the attention of Father John Freund, C.M., the person responsible for the web page of the Vincentian Family. Your contribution will be inserted into the section in the original language.

Wishing all of you a happy Vincentian Jubilee Year, we greet you cordially.

Claudio Santangelo, C.M. Sister Ana María Olmeda, D.C.

Co-secretaries of the Secretariat Commission for the 350th anniversary.

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