"Relational Tithe" - a different form of microfinance

John Freund, CM
July 15, 2009

relationaltitheRelationalTithe.com is an interactive platform for connecting and meeting needs across socioeconomic and geographic barriers. It is also a place to explore, to meet, to share dreams and ideas, to ask and discuss questions, to learn and to grow together.

We are determined to live intentionally, in joyful and responsible relationships with those around us. This site is only one, although powerful, tool to connect with people all over the world who share this vision.

RelationalTithe.com leads to a global community of people who are committed to meeting the needs of others. We believe that each person in the world is just as important as any one of us, and that there are enough resources to satisfy everyone, if only people will live in abundance towards one another. We think, perhaps it’s not that the rich and poor don’t care about each other, maybe they just haven’t met one another.

To really understand what this is all about, create a username and start connecting with people around the world. And take action – start your own group for redistribution or join an existing one.

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