"Putting a face on the faceless" Chicago TV and Marillac House

John Freund, CM
July 4, 2009

marillac-houseThis video from Chicago TV puts a face on the faceless threatened by budget cuts. “Marillac House: State Cuts Could Wipe Out A Program That’s Helped Generations” See related story.

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  1. Georgia (Alma Zacharias) Hedrick

    I learned of the Daughter’s work through Marillac House–the old Marillac House. It is a place of hope. To cut back on hope to me is criminal, it is evil, and it brings out the worst in mankind. Where are all the people of great wealth, like we see on TV, living in the Hampton’s, wherever that is.

    Whenever hope dies, heroes die. Gang rise up. Madness follows.

    Doesn’t the city have any vision of tomorrow at all????

  2. Brooke

    I, too, am trying to raise awareness for the social service agency so they can fight the potential funding cuts.

    I work for a non-profit film & media literacy education company called Split Pillow (partner of Marillac’s since 2004) and we have an outreach program coming up on July 20 – 22 at Marillac.

    Get in touch if you know anyone in the media who can help us spread the word and stop Marillac from losing its funding.

