UN-NGO Federation of the Sisters of Charity June newsletter

John Freund, CM
June 12, 2009


It includes a report of the March 31-April 2nd program designed for the Sisters of Charity Federation leadership which included elements of our Vincentian charism and how it is integrated into the work of the Vincentian family at the UN. PDF june-2009.  

The Vincentian Family at the United Nations is represented by Sr. Germaine Price, DC, Sr. Caroljean Willie, SC, Fr. Joe Foley, CM, Sr. Faith Colligan, DC,
Sr. Marie Elena Dio, SC, Sr. Janet McLaughlin, SC, and Madeleine Morrissey, AIC.

Their work at the United Nations enables them to:

• Express solidarity with those living in poverty and the marginalized;
• Use the gifts and talents of members of our communities;
• Use our material and spiritual resources to collaborate in creating
systemic change;
• Work on level of structures, not just in responding to particular situations;
• Work to confront injustice.

They seek to follow in the footsteps of Vincent, Louise and Elizabeth who:
• Had a vision of what was possible and were unfailing in their efforts to transform the lives of those in need;
• Had the courage of their convictions and the capacity to mobilize people and resources;
• Developed leadership skills among their followers and empowered others to act;
• Inspired those who followed with dedication and vision;
• Listened to others and sought their ideas and advice;
• Provided tools needed to perform the mission; and
• Gave us enduring models of servant leadership.

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