Benedict XVI - First YouTube, now Facebook

John Freund, CM
May 20, 2009

benedictxvi“In an age where the Internet had surpassed all other media except television as the principal source of news, the Church could not ignore communications developments, or allow itself to fall out of touch with them,” aaist the head of Vatican Radio, Fr. Lombardi.

Yes, in addition to YouTube, the Pontiff is to soon have a ‘Facebook’ account as part of the Vatican’s efforts to embrace online technology to interact with his followers, an initiative which will also involve iPhone applications and a new portal, scheduled to go live on May 24.

While the followers would interact via ‘Facebook’, an iPhone application titled ‘The Pope Meets You on Facebook’ will allows users to send and receive virtual postcards of the Pontiff along with inspiring text culled from his speeches.

“We think this pontifical council itself has to use new technologies to promote new relationships around the world. We must take advantage of what the new technologies are offering us at this very moment.”

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1 Comment

  1. Toma'

    Facebook users can already view the public profile of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

    Others are invited to join Facebook and Famvin community there.