350th Anniversary Celebration Committees

John Freund, CM
May 13, 2009

vinfam350logoThe date of the celebration in Rome at the Basilica of St. Peter is set for Saturday 25 September 2010 at 5:00 pm, to accommodate  the best participation of the pilgrims.  Cardinal Franc Rodi will preside at the concelebrated Eucharist: the Holy Father will send a letter to all the Vincentian Family on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the deaths of Saint Vincent and Saint Louise, and (perhaps) will greet those present at the end of the Eucharist.

At the celebration, special places will be reserved for the sick and those who help the handicapped.  At the Offertory there will be a special sign to express the Vincentian charism (symbolic gifts).  We have obtained a Plenary indulgence for those who will participate (physically and spiritually) at the celebration in Paris (Sunday March 14, 2010 at Notre Dame) and in Rome (Saturday September 25, 2010).  As a note, there is already each year a Plenary Indulgence for March 15 and September 27.

For updates visit the official 350th Anniversary site.

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