Daughter of Charity teaches practical spirituality

John Freund, CM
April 28, 2009

dc-seal-color1“Sometimes spirituality can be complex,” said Daughter of Charity Sister Martha Garcia at the Saint Olaf Chapter of the Ladies of Charity Lenten retreat held at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bountiful March 14. So Sr. Martha taught the Ladies of Charity and the Daughters of Charity less formal and more practical ways of becoming more spiritual. Source

A Daughter of Charity Provincial House in Los Altos,  “Sr. Martha, California, covered different ways to reduce stress in our lives. Some included planning your wardrobe the night before, having emergency cash hidden in the house, and returning all phone calls. The list included having a “things to do list” each day, drinking plenty of water, and breathing deeply. It said have a good cry, take an overdue vacation, be comfortable saying “no,” and always be honest.”

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  1. Sister Trinitas Hernandez, D.C.

    Sister Martha Garcia’s presentation to the Ladies of Charity was very practical and I am sure helpful to the ladies. May they serve with joy.
    Bless them and Sister Martha for sharing with them.

  2. marguerite broderick dc

    Very proud of you, Sr. Martha! Good job!

  3. Georgia (Alma Zacharias) Hedrick

    I have learned over time that an orderly day makes for a peaceful day, like having a specific pattern to do stuff after getting up. I learned all that from you guys, in my 15 years with the Daughters, and I thank you.

    Order is a relief to stress. Order gives focus.

    I thank the Daughters of Charity for teaching me that. Problem is that I took so long to learn it.

    I am sure Sr.Martha said all this, but I had to
    share my learning with you all. gh (Alma)

    It’s all that simple stuff that leads up the ladder to spirituality of any strength.