Mexico meeting of the Vincentian Family on systemic change - Day Four

John Freund, CM
February 22, 2009

famvinmex5-300x279Continuing his translations of the the spanish language chrinicles from the meeting of the Vincentian Family in Mexico Toma presents day four.Thursday, February 19 – Day Four.

In the morning, Fr. Pio Jose Jimenez CM, Vincentian Family Counselor in Panama presided the Eucharist. Liturgy was prepared by delegations from Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Next participant gathered in Sala Magna to continue workshop on Systemic Change. Members of the Commission for promoting Systemic Change were moderators.

Fr Maloney started work of the day picking up completion of strategies proposed by participants day before. Next, Patricia Nava continued the reflection on the “Strategies for Systemic Change.” She clarified that there are several types of strategies: mission oriented, people oriented, task oriented strategies, solidarity and participation strategies.

Each of them was then developed in presentation. Eugene Smith elaborated the topic of “mission oriented strategy” (motivation and direction). Fr Maloney presented “People oriented strategies” based on “The Passage”, a work that has been undetaken in central London (England), and “Task oriented strategies” through “The Dream Project” , an initiative to address HIV / AIDS patients in several African countries sponsored by the Community of Saint Egidio. Fr. Maloney and and Daughters od Charity collaborate in the project. It is a “dream” to promote “DREAM Project” in Asia in near future. Fr Maloney explained this formation program, impact of AIDS and financing of the project.

After the break another topic – “Strategies in Solidarity and Participation” – was introduced. We began with Toño and Memo testimonies, patients from hospital for chronically ill people in Tepexpan, who shared problems they face and achievements they have obtained from “big monster which is the government,” as Toño said. Both Toño and Memo were offered signs of support and encouragement.

Next Patricia Nava continued her reflection picking up several points: pressing actions for the poor, fighting through political action, assuming prophetic actions. She concluded emphasizing that we all are the prophets of the future.

Work in the groups followed. Participants shared implements of Systemic Change strategies worked out above.

After lunch, Fr Joseph Foley CM, Congregation of the Mission representative to the United Nations, assisted by Fr Gabriel Naranjo CM, delegate of CM Province of Colombia, presented the topid “global vision in the context of the Millenium Development Goals.” The lecture was provided in five points: The world in which we live; Presentation of Eight Millennium Development Goals in their respective goals; Faces of poverty; Example of hope and Conclusions.

Workshop in groups focused on regions the delegations come from continued on two questions: “Are you capable of multiplying agendas of Systemic Change?”, “How do you spread the Systemic Changes in your country? Works of all eight groups were encouraging and hopeful for the whole Vincentian Family in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Later, Fr. Maloney opened panel discussion between the assembly and members of the Commission for Promoting Systemic Change. While questions were provocative, the answers were concrete and intelligent.

The fourth day was finished by the Vespers. Then dinner was served. Afterwards the mariachis arrived to entertain and please participants of the gathering with beautiful, traditional Mexican music and songs and taste of typical Mexican drinks.

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