Chronicle of Day One Meeting in Mexico

John Freund, CM
February 19, 2009

famvinmex5-300x279The  chronicle of day one of the meeting of 145 members of the Vincentian Family focusing on systemic change. Once again, thanks to Toma we have an English translation of the original Spanish.

Monday, February 16 – Day One.

The first day of  the Meeting started with opening Mass presided by Fr. Daniel Vazquez CM. Liturgy was prepared by the delegation of Vincentan Family from Colombia. At 9 o’clock, official opening of the meeting at Aula Magna followed the Eucharist. Maria Eugenia Magallanes, from AIC, Coordinator of Latin America Vincentian Family welcomed all participating delegations from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and United States. She also introduced persons presiding in the meeting: Fr. Manuel Ginete CM, Delegate of Superior General in the Vincentian Family, Fr. Robert Maloney CM, Coordinator of the Commission of promoting Systemic Change, Sr. Graciela Rubio DC, Visitatrice of Mexico, Fr. Silvano Calderón CM, Visitor of Mexico, and  National Counselors of Vincentian Family in Mexico – Fr. Manuel Acosta CM and Sr. Magdalena Garcia Alcalá DC. Additionally Sr. Paulina Santos DC, treasurer and Nina Carmen Rosa, secretary, members of Latin American Vincentian Family, and members of various commissions that have collaborated in the preparation of this meeting
were welcomed. Sr. Magdalena Garcia Alcalá DC became moderator.

Two Powerpoint presentations with sound, colorful images of Mexican landscapes and sites started works of the assembly. Next main objective was recalled: “To enable members of the Vincentian Family in Latin America, as Lay Leaders and Counselors, to offer their support to brothers and sisters in their efforts, and to assimilate and promote Systemic Change. And three specific ones:
1) To assist members of our groups to live in a continuous process of training, oriented toward systemic change,
2) Provide a better understanding of spirituality, deepening their identity as members of the Church and the society,
3) Spread the benefits of charism that goes beyond their society and which is experienced by other branches of the Vincentian Family.

Then, Sister Blanca Lopez Leija DC and Fr. Amaro Irving, CM conducted workshops in groups.  Later in the day four documents were presented:
“The Role of the Laity in the Church Today” by Fr. Manuel Ginete CM
“Role and Tasks of the Lay Counselor” by Laura Rios of JMV
“Key Elements of Spirituality for Lay Vincentian Counselor” by Fr Honorio Lopez CM
“Saint Luise as an Example of Leadership” by Sr. Catalina Flores Moreno DC.

Finally, representatives from Bolivia, Brazil Chile and Colombia gave reports about reality of Vincentian Family in their countries. Other countries will presents their reports on next two days. Participants were told, all used and discussed work material will be available to them on CD at the end of the meeting.

Monday was finished with Vespers followed by musical concert.

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