Resources for feast of Francis Regis Clet, CM - Feb. 18

John Freund, CM
February 16, 2009

francis-regis-clet-smFebruary 18 is the feast of Francis Regis Clet (1748-1820), a saint who only wanted a watch… and some money to follow it.

As he was fleeing persecution at age 70 he wrote… “I want none of this world’s goods, apart from a decent watch; only one of the ones you sent two years ago was any good. The others began by gaining an hour every day, and later two hours; then they all contracted a recurrent fever which led to their deaths, so if you’ve anything in the line of a decent watch I’d like you to send it along, and some money after it.”

Among the sites for further resources… Note that this site was the source of the above quote and  has links to his life, times and words.

See also for images

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