New version of AIC website

John Freund, CM
February 12, 2009

aicAIC has revised its website in a very attractive way and with easier navigation. AIC an independent international association of national member associations. Read more background on terminology relating to AIC and groups such as LCUSA.

The AIC is an independent international association of national member associations such as “Ladies of Charity”, Equipes St.Vincent, Damas de Caridade or Caritas-Konferenzen Deutschlands, Equipes d’entraide etc. These national associations existed when the international association was founded in 1971 and who kept their names like the LCUSA while our recently founded members are just AIC Vietnam or AIC Madagascar, sometimes translated in national languages as well but oficially it is just AIC and the country.

An International association of more than 200.000 volunteers of whom most are women, 53 associations present in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, USA, Local teams of volunteers organise projects in their own locality, One of the oldest voluntary associations founded in 1617 by St Vincent de Paul, precursor of humanitarian aide.

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1 Comment

  1. Sr. Sheila O'Friel, DC

    Congratulations! Your website is excellent!
    You have my prayers for a great group of women!
    St. Vincent, St. Louise and St.Elizabeth Ann Seton is so proud of you here in the United States and throughout the world. Keep good!

    God love you. I do.
