World's oldest Daughter of Charity dies - 108

John Freund, CM
January 21, 2009

diaz-dcSister Esther Diaz, Daughter of Charity, age 108, died  on January 19, 2009. Sister Esther was born on August 21, 1900, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 2008, Sister celebrated her 90th Jubilee after her 108th birthday, which made her the oldest Daughter of Charity in the world.

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  1. Toma'

    Evansville “CourierPress” brings the Obituary

  2. Georgia Hedrick

    I used to visit Sister Ester each year as I went back to Evansville for our fdc retreat. You know what I found amazing? Even though Sister Esther wasn’t aware always of the present and where she was, she was concerned about others. She would tell me ‘to go and visit’ such and so. And I didn’t know the name, but I thought: here she is at 105, telling me to go and visit someone.

    The nurses loved her. And her peace radiated outwards because I could feel it. In fact, that is why I’d visit Seton Manor when I was at Mater Dei: to feel the peace at that doorway to heaven. gh