Sisters of Charity NY - major site revision

John Freund, CM
January 4, 2009

scny-sealSisters of Charity have completed the revision of their website.  Among the current features is a section on the Sisters of Charity and the movie “Doubt” as well as nicely organize News pages presenting recent events and future events.

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  1. Georgia Hedrick

    I tried to get to the new site. However, Internet Explorer will not allow getting there. I do not know why.

    I am eager to see the movie. I had always heard that it was a nun who pushed and pushed with the higher-ups for the scandal about the abuse of children to stop. I didn’t know it was a Sister of Charity. Good for her!

    Gota see that movie!

  2. Toma'

    Yes, there might be problems with opening this site yesterday. I believe, problems were caused by the launch of new site.

    Try again today. I checked out. It works using Firefox 3.0. Anyway try to upgrade to latest version of IE or try alternative browser