Millennium Villages, an innovative approach to poverty

John Freund, CM
December 7, 2008

In this second week of Advent presents Joesph Foley, CM telling the story of a United Nations project, called “Millennium Villages” and suggesting that, in meeting the challenge of poverty, the Vincentian Family and the “Millennium Villages project” might well be natural allies.

Listen to the podcast (audio only version) [audio:MillenniumVillages.mp3]

Text of the video and podcast click millennium-text

For a visual simulation of the basic concepts of systemic change visit VinFormation

See also  Millenium Villages

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1 Comment

  1. Sr. Joan Pytlik, D.C.

    Thanks to Joe Foley for explaining so well the excellent concept of Millenial Villages, and the partnership possible between the Vincentian Family and the U.N. I hope we pursue this.