350th anniversary (2010) of deaths of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac

John Freund, CM
October 22, 2008

The Superior General has written about the plans to celebrate the 350th anniversary (2010) of the death of St. Vincent de Paul and of St. Louise de Marillac.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the peace and joy of Christ evangelizer of the poor be with you always!

After the meeting last February of the Vincentian Family International Presidents and Heads, we launched the celebration of the 350th anniversary (2010) of the death of St. Vincent de Paul and of St. Louise de Marillac. Today I am happy to send you materials on the plans and programs for this anniversary on the international level.

Our celebration will primarily focus on honoring St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac as witnesses and examples of love and service of the poor. Concretely in this time of grace we will seek to deepen our Vincentian charism and spirituality as well as our relationship with the poor and with one another, and to celebrate their heritage by, among other things, promoting the service of the poor through concrete projects in partnership with other organizations in the Church and in society, particularly projects that bring about systemic change in the lives of the poor.

In view of all this, we formed various committees to coordinate at the international level the activities that would carry out these objectives. Thus, the Heritage Committee will coordinate sessions and programs relative to reflection on and deepening of our Vincentian spirituality. The Celebration Committee will take care of the major liturgical celebrations during these occasions. And the Projects Committee will coordinate plans towards a collaborative project. These Committees, together with two auxiliary committees – Finance, and Secretariat – will assist the International Executive Coordinators headed by Fr. Josef Kapusciak CM, with the help of Sr Palmarita Guida DC and Fr. Manuel Ginete CM. A more precise picture of the responsibilities of these committees is outlined in the attachment I am sending you.

The above-mentioned structure for the 350th anniversary celebration, although primarily for the international level of the Vincentian Family, may be adopted on the continental or national levels of the Vincentian Family, if they so wish. Certainly, a similar structure will facilitate our coordination on various levels and with various branches, and thus make our celebration a truly international event.

The year 2010 is likewise the 150th anniversary of the death of St. Justin de Jacobis, our celebrated missionary in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), on whose missiological contributions a study has been made recently. It would indeed be a wonderful occasion for all of us in the Vincentian Family to be imbued once again with the love for the poor and the mission that St. Vincent, St. Louise, and St. Justin have so beautifully exemplified in their lives and works.

Once more, wishing you the special blessings at the time of these great anniversaries, I remain

Your brother in St. Vincent de Paul,

G. Gregory Gay, C.M.
Superior General

“I beg the Lord to renew all of you in his Spirit,
so that all your undertakings will belong to him
and the fruits obtained will lead you to eternal life.”
(Letter to J. Martin, SV, VIII, 333)

Letter as Letter in Word document format

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  1. Sr. Pat Connolly

    This is quite an extensive summary of the plans being made for the 350th celebration of the deaths of Vincent and Louise. I hope to be involved in them in a number of ways.

    However, I was disappointed because we are not celebrating Mr. Portail’s death also!!! He surely was important in both Vincent’s and Louise’s lives. I think they would be pleased to share this celebration with their faithful friend and collaborator .

    Just a thought…..

  2. Toma'

    You are very very right. Fr. Portail was very important and essential person in the first years of both communities and his involvement on development of Lazarists and Daughters of Charity will never be appreciated enough. Perhaps it was the Divine grace, he entered the House of Father in the same year St. Vincent and St. Louise did. I believe it was a grace.
    But we should remember two important points: 1. Fr. Portail was closest and most important collaborator and friend of both Vincent and Louise, but he was not a co-founder of our communities.
    2. The celebration announced by Superior General is to commemorate the Founders of Congregation of the Mission and Company of Daughters of Charity and patrons of charitable works in whole Church. Whenever we will remind and reflect on our roots in these graceful time we certainly will remind people like Fr. Portail and what they did for the community.

    And finally, I think Mr Portail was quiet man of service and humility. I do not think, he would have liked us to put him high between Vincent and Louise during these celebrations.

    But thank you for reminding all of us how important Fr. Portail was in the life of the Saint Founders.

  3. Patricia

    Thanks for the reminder of the focus on the Founders and you are ever so right about Mr. Portail’s character.

  4. Toma'

    This document is also available in Polish either to read it on-line or to download. To read it visit “Famvin.org – Polska” news and reference site.