New resources from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

John Freund, CM
October 1, 2008

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has released a DVD and Guide “Voice of the Poor Guide”  They also now have a  Supply Catalog and Order Form on-line at “SHOP” on the left top of the Home Page. You may send orders in by email, fax or regular mail.


Indeed, today the cries of the poor pierces our Vincentian hearts, and we know that more and more we are called to be the Voice of the Poor, the Voice of the Voiceless.

But to become a Voice of the Poor we must not only have ears to hear their cries, but we must also have eyes to see the injustice of their situation. And so, the National Voice of the Poor Committee, under the leadership of Deborah Payne, has created our new resource: Voice of the Poor Guide. This Guide will lead us to a deeper understanding of the issues that impact the lives of the Poor today:

Session 1:    Spirituality of Justice
Session 2:    Affordable Housing
Session 3:    Health Care
Session 4:    Homelessness
Session 5:    Hunger
Session 6:    Immigration
Session 7:    Predatory Loans
Session 8:    Restorative Justice
Session 9:    Rights of Workers
Session 10:    Voice of the Poor Committee

Once we understand the issues that keep those who are poor locked in the cycle of poverty, it is then that we can truly become advocates for the poor.
As we pray and reflect together, may we come to know deep in our hearts the words of Frederic Ozanam:
“Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveler who has been attacked. But it is justice’s role to prevent the attack.”

The Voice of the Poor is available from the National Council of the United States:
Guide:       Catalogue # 1300     $  2.50 each
DVD:       Catalogue # 1301     $10.00 (accompanies each session)
Send order to: National Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul
58 Progress Parkway, St. Louis, MO 63043
Or   Fax: 314-576-6755
Or   Email:

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