International President of SSVDP appeals for aid to Haiti

John Freund, CM
September 5, 2008

Jose Ramon Torremocha has issued an appeal for funds to assist hurricane victims in Haiti and has seeded the appeal with 10,000 Euros.

Dear Fellow members:

Urgently we address to you an emergency appeal for Haiti, where
Hurricane Hanna (following Gustav) particularly in the central region,
Gonaives, caused much suffering and killed over 100 people.
Please, dear Brothers and Sisters, help Council General to ease the
pain of this region with your contribution. Council General has already
opened a fund with 10,000 euros. Please send contributions to:

Bank CIC-Paris Bac
2 Bd Raspail
75007 Paris, France
Account No. (IBAN)  FR76 3006 6100 4100 0105 8120 129
Confédération Internationale Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul
Account: Haiti

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