Participants of Vincentian Meeting in New Orleans raise 0,000

John Freund, CM
July 28, 2008

Participants at the recent Vincentian Family Gathering are half way to their goal of raising $200,000 to support efforts of the Vincentian Family to address the post-Katrina needs.

Gene Smith, author of the challenge, sends the following update.

July 25, 2008

Dear Sisters and Brothers of the New Orleans Challenge,

Warmest greetings and blessings to each of you. Our efforts for the good work of the Vincentian Family in New Orleans continues. Thank God!

Today we reached the $100,000 mark.  We are half way to the Goal of $200,000 for the participants of the Vincentian Family Gathering in New Orleans.  We have almost three months to go until the Feast day of St. Vincent de Paul on September 27 which is our deadline. At that time we expect some matching gifts. Please, let’s keep the effort going for the poor.

Since the last update these are a few of the notes received:

Mary Ann Morovitz, President of the Ladies of Charity, USA sent $10,000 from LCUSA. Their Board was moved by the stories from the ladies who attended the gathering.

Sister Jean Rhoads, DC sent a note telling us that their commitment of $7,000 is coming from the Emmitsburg Province, and that prayers continue that “the rebuild efforts for Katrina victims will continue to grow and multiply”.

Sister Maura Hobart, DC and the Sisters of the Northeast Province have done their walkathon and “the bucks keep rolling in”.

Father Dan Borlik, CM, and the Fathers of the Congregation of the Mission, Southern Province sent $10,500.

Father Perry Henry, CM has sent in $3,124.00.

Sister Mary Walz, DC and the Daughters of the West Central Province have sent $20,000, which is the largest single gift yet.

Jim Weiss, President of the Los Angeles Council (SVDP) shared that they sent $26,000. prior to the Gathering for the poor in New Orleans and now they sent another $10,000.

The $100,000 raised came from 211 individuals. The largest single gift was $20,000 and the smallest was $10. Thanks to all who have contributed per the attached list.  We are deeply grateful for your support and generosity.


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Eugene B. Smith, Vincentian

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