Landscape of Religion in the US

John Freund, CM
June 23, 2008

Based on interviews with more than 35,000 American adults, this extensive survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life details the religious makeup, religious beliefs and practices as well as social and political attitudes of the American public.

This resource is quite valuable to anyone in the Vincentian Family who seeks to go beyond myths and stereotypes. It seems especially apt for those who are trying to understand religious dimensions of attempts at advocacy on behalf of the marginalized or for those more directly involved in evangelization.

The site provides a quick video over-view

Not only is this survey comprehensive but it present material in quite interesting interactive maps.

Affiliation: One can view the religious composition of the United States as well as the size of the different religious groups in the country.

Maps: Another section presents the percentage of each state’s population that is affiliated with various religions in the U.S., and exploresthe religious beliefs and practices of each state’s population.

Portraits: You can also choose a religious group in the U.S. and examine its demographic characteristics, religious beliefs and practices as well as social and political views.

Comparisons: Finally one can compare the demographic characteristics, religious beliefs and practices as well as social and political views of various religious traditions in the U.S.

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