Correspondance course in Vincentian studies

John Freund, CM
June 20, 2008

The French language famvin site announced a two year bi-monthly correspondance course designed to promote better knowledge of Vincent and Louise.

The course (in French) is geared to members of the wider Vincentin Family.

Every two months participants will receive material on a specific theme as well as texts of Vincent and Louise. They will be asked to report on their studies and reflections. A Vincentian priest or a daughter of Charity will be assigned to work with registered participants during the course.

The three themes to be studied are

  • Understanding Vincent the man and his works
  • Deeper knowledge of his spirituality
  • Understanding Louise through her writings and relationships

Requests for should be sent to

Sœur Élisabeth CHARPY, Appt 299, 7 rue de Nice, 72000 LE MANS (France)

Tel : 02 43 28 13 22.
e-Mail : Elisabeth CHARPY

There will be a fee of 46 € to cover administrative costs.

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