"Social media" as a way to promote social change

May 27, 2008

Last week a blogger at a technology blog prodded the tech community to use “our social media super-powers to make a real difference in the world.” Some examples: use a blog to fundraise for disaster relief; promote charities on YouTube (famvin has made a start at this); use a mobile phone to spread news. Read the blog entry.


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1 Comment

  1. Toma'

    If there were Web 2.0 in Jesus times, certainly He would have used it. I am sure He would.

    What ever source and way we use which is useful and supportive to our charitable ministries — let us turn it on! Of course the goal does not sacrifices the means that are used.

    Just let people hear Your voice! Let us speak loudly. The more people use social networking for promoting our Spirit and our Vincentian Charity the more people will hear and watch it. The more seeds of change planted in web 2.o , the more crops will be harvested.

    This recommended post is well introducing to the idea of promoting charity and ministry in modern on-line world.