Half in Ten Campaign to Fight Poverty

May 14, 2008

“What we do for each other says something about who we are,” said John Edwards during a gathering to kick off Half in Ten, a new initiative that aims to reduce poverty in the United Stats by 50% within 10 years.

Half in Ten is a joint project of the Center for American Progress Foundation, ACORN, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the Coalition on Human Needs, under the leadership of Senator John Edwards. The elements of the campaign are to:

“(1) Elevate and sustain a focus on the situations facing the poor and middle class today

“(2) Build and strengthen an effective constituency fo demand legislative action on poverty and economic mobility

“(3) Advance specific legislative and policy proposals that will deliver real benefits to struggling American families.”

In his kickoff speech, Edwards called poverty “a moral cause facing every single one of us” in the United States.

Read more about the initiative on the Half in Ten website and in a press report of the kickoff.


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