Catholic coverage of the Pope's US visit

April 16, 2008

For Catholic views of the Pope’s visit to the United States: the blog of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops; National Catholic Reporter John Allen has links to audio and transcripts; National Catholic Register has links to streaming video and more; the Sisters of Mercy have a Web page covering the visit. HT USA Today

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  1. Toma'

    Knights of Columbus prepared special website for coverage of the papal trip, too. One can find a lot of information about pope himself, his teaching and other Church related issues. All you can see at:

  2. Toma'

    The official USCCB website for Benedict’s XVI trip to United States is this:

    Also Catholic News Service (CNS) prepared their own website to covet the journey, where you can find a lot of photos and some video reports covering the visit:

    For international and overseas viewers Voice of America (VOA News) prepared their coverage of the Papal tour. VOA reports are easily downloadable either as *.wmv or *.mp3 files in various qualities:

  3. PatriciaT

    Thanks, all. Great contributions.