Maison d'Enfants, ministry of Daughters in Bethany-Jerusalem, has a Web site

March 26, 2008

Maison d’Enfants, a ministry of the Daughters of Charity in Bethany, has an extensive Web site. Hat tip to regular reader Toma’ for pointing this out in a recent comment. Visit the Web site.


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1 Comment

  1. Marcello Del Verme

    We have visited your site, and enjoied it very much while keeping fond memory of our staying with you last July 2008 (with the Marcello’s group, Switzerland. Can you still remember?). Again a great thanks for your fraternal/sororal hospitality!
    Again, we are very sorry for the miserable wall which makes your life and that of the Palestinian citadins of Bethany difficolt and unbelievebable.
    Much love

    Marcello and Antonia Del Verme – via Roma 169 80013 – Casalnuovo di Napoli (Na)