20 proven strategies for systemic change

John Freund, CM
March 16, 2008

This week, we begin a 20-week series of articles written by the members of the Commission for Promoting Systemic Change. The articles will feature strategies that are useful, often even essential, for reshaping systems that have led to poverty, disease, oppression and other harmful conditions.

The series is introduced here by Robert P. Maloney, CM.

Robert P. Maloney, CMAdopting as its starting point a group of projects in which systemic change has actually taken place, the Commission analyzed stories of leaders of successful projects. From these stories, the Commission sought to identify the strategies that helped produce lasting change.

It soon became clear that many of the strategies that led to structural changes and transformed the circumstances of individuals and communities flowed from the Gospels and from our Vincentian tradition. Read the whole article.


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