Daughters nominated in Mother's Day competition

February 27, 2008

Daughters of Charity receive credit from a Liverpool woman for an upbringing “that made me the person I am today.” In fact, “it’s a bit out of the ordinary”, but she nominated the women in a Mother’s Day competition. Read the story.

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  1. Patricia

    The story does not open up when I click on the “read the story” link. What happened?

  2. PatriciaT

    Thanks for the heads up. The link should work now.

  3. pevanick

    Good story.

  4. smlyeend

    God bless Mothers who are good role models for her daughters.

  5. Sr Maggie

    Whacky do!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Mgtebroderick

    So good to see this positive and affirming news about sisters’ effect on young people. God bless this young lady and the sisters who cared for her.

  7. tita

    This was a great story. Thanks for sharing this touching story of love. Daughters of Charity are “mum” to so many.

  8. elacapria

    Care and love comes in all shapes and forms – Thank God for those who care!

  9. map

    Great story. Am really pleased to read this.

  10. AIne

    Good story

  11. Sr Maureen Tinkler DC

    Thomasina Cole sends her Mother’s Day card to Sr Veronica Beeching DC – a wonderful DC in her 90’s. She’s based in St Vincent’s community, Southport.