Sisters of Charity Publicize Vocation Outreach

January 15, 2008

A community of the Sisters of Charity in Ohio has developed a new DVD, “Extravagent Love: The Vocation of the Sisters of Charity”, to help publicize and expand its vocation outreach. According to the Catholic Telegraph, The 15-minute DVD is intended to “convey the continuity of mission and charism of charity and, in particular, to demonstrate how the congregation’s current ministries are reinventions of the charism their foundress, St. Elizabeth Seton, along with Sts. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, who founded the Daughters of Charity.” A free copy of the DVD can be ordered by contacting Sister Janet Gildea, at

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  1. toma

    There is another film with Sr Janet. It is from 2006 USCCB vocation program called “You Could Make a Difference” 4 part presentation. The video clip is downloadable at this location:

    Sister Janet Gildea, MD and Sister Peggy Deneweth, RN, show life in the medical clinic they founded in El Paso, where they practice what they call “poverty medicine.” Their work resembles that of the Charity sisters in pioneer days when they helped people along the frontier…

  2. ann laiche

    Hi, Sister Janet:
    I heard from Srs. Monica and Carol last night. Carol said that you and Monica’s presentation went very well yesterday. I knew it would! Hope you have a safe trip home. Be assured of daily prayers for you and your sisters here in N.O. Hope to see you soon. Does this comment go to your blog on FAMVIN? A little confused.