Catholic Leaders Praise Congress On Children's Health Care

John Freund, CM
August 4, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Thanking the Senate and House for their approval of legislation reauthorizing and expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP, the heads of the Catholic Health Association and Catholic Charities said they hoped partisanship could be set aside to get a final bill to President George W. Bush quickly. “The time for partisan bickering is over — it is now time for united support on behalf of children’s health coverage and a more solid foundation for our nation’s future,” said Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity who is CHA president and CEO, in an Aug. 3 statement. “We applaud the Democrats, Republicans and independents in Congress who have come together to support and strengthen this program,” said Father Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA, in a separate statement Aug. 3. The House voted 225-204 late Aug. 1 in favor of the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act, known as CHAMP, which would provide health insurance for at least 3 million children currently uninsured and reauthorize funding for the more than 5 million children already covered by SCHIP. The program is due to expire Sept. 30. The Senate approved a different version of the legislation by a 68-31 vote Aug. 2.


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1 Comment

  1. Susan Stabile

    It may be too early to start passing out accolades. More challenging than getting sufficient agreement in the House and Senate to get a final bill to President Bush is reaching agreement on a final bill that has enough Senate support to override a presidential veto. Shamefully, President Bush has continuously threatened to veto any bill that would substantially expand coverage, despite the fact that CHIPs has been remarkably successful in providing children with access to regular, quality health care.