Micro Finance As Tool of Involving Poor in Systemic Change

John Freund, CM
July 13, 2007

Video   describing how micro finance is a tool of systemic change. Grameen Foundation has been working across the globe to help them pull themselves from poverty by starting, sustaining or expand tiny businesses.

Breaking Through gives you a glimpse of what this has meant for millions throughout Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East. Narrated by acclaimed actress Blair Brown and produced by the social-issue media company Rooy Media LLC, the 16-minute documentary introduces you to our front line partners and some of the families whose lives have changed through microfinance.

Editor’s  Notes:

Key characteristics of Systemic Change  as described by Vincentian Family Committee on Systemic Change.

 • Involving the poor themselves, including women and young people, at all stages: the identification of needs, planning, implementation, evaluation and revision;
• Having a holistic vision — addressing a series of basic human needs: individual and social, spiritual and physical, especially jobs, health care, housing, education, and spiritual growth — with an integral approach toward prevention and sustainable development;
• Placing particular emphasis on self-help and self-sustaining programs, with a special view toward addressing the root causes of poverty.

Wikipedia article on micro finance

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