Daughter of Charity Receives Path to Peace Award

John Freund, CM
June 19, 2007

Sister Sabina Iragui Redin, DC was awarded the Servant of Peace Award from the Path to Peace Foundation. This foundation in collaboration with the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, directs its activities primarily, albeit not exclusively, to the international stage of the United Nations.

The annual Path to Peace Award is bestowed upon a single is individual in recognition of his or her commitment to the development of peace in the national and international arenas. But, it is also important to recognize persons from that magnificent legion of often unsung heroes, men and women in the most remote fields, who literally spend their lives with the only purpose and desire to be where the need is greater, where the wounds are festering and the pain unending. Such individuals are truly Servitores Pacis, Servants of Peace, and it is to these beacons of hope that an award by the same name, “Servitor Pacis,” is given.

2007 – Sister Sabina Iragui Redin, DC

Sister Sabina Iragui Redin was born in Navaz (Navarra) Spain into a devout Christian family of nine children. Four of her sisters entered the Carmelite Order, another sister entered the Congregation of St. John of God, and one joined the Cloistered Community of the Immaculate Conception.

Sister Sabina received her education at a school in Pamplona run by the Daughters of Charity. On 24 January 1959 she enter the Company of the Daughters. After completing her initial formation, Sister studied nursing and gradually rose through the administrative ranks becoming Director of the School of Nursing in 1967.

It 1972, she volunteered for the Mission Ad Gentes of the world-wide community of the Daughters of Charity. She was accepted and entered into the formation program for missionaries at the Motherhouse in Paris. In 1973, Sister Sabina was missioned to the Rwanda-Burundi area and lived in an international community of Daughters of Charity. Sister’s work at the local level was dedicated to the formation of the sisters and services for the poor and needy. Her efforts resulted in the expansion of services dedicated to the integral development of people with special emphasis on education and health. Sister assumed general leadership responsibility for the local communities of Daughters throughout the area.

As a Daughter of the Church and follower of St. Vincent de Paul, Sister Sabina recognizes that the foundation to all organized efforts of service is respect for the dignity of the human person and support of the common good with the human community and family.

It is in recognition of her service to the Church and the poor, that the Path to Peace Foundation is pleased to bestow upon Sister Sabina Iragui Redin, DC, the title Servitor Pacis, “Servant of Peace.”

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  1. Elena Guamil Faura

    Praise be the Lord for His goodness in the person of Sister
    Sabina Mi más afectuoso y cariño ami hermana Sabina

    sister Elena Guamil Faura, D.C.

  2. Sr. Yosephine Purba

    Dear Sister Sabina, congratulation for good work you have done. May His blessing always with you.

    Your fellow sister from Indonesia.
    Sr. Yosephine Purba

  3. yosafat

    Dear Sisters of daughter of caharity

    May all of you always in good health and get abundant bless from God.

    yosafat tridarmo