Ozanam Home for the Aged - Pioneering Project In India

John Freund, CM
May 28, 2007

The Ozanam Home for the Aged had its humble beginning in the year 1982, The International Year of the Aged declared by the United Nations Organization. The brain child of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Udupi Particular Council was the first project of its kind conceived, managed and administered by lay people throughout all the Dioceses of India. Those elderly people in the evenings of their lives, who have none to look for love, care and affection found a paradise here to spend the last chapter of their lives.

Ozanam Home for the Aged

When you are approaching the sunset of your life, all you are looking for is love, care, affection, solace and company. When your loved ones are not in a position to provide this to you for whatever reasons, what then? Yes, you plead with your creator to be your hope when you are absolutely hopeless. You expect Him to send a ray of hope when you are in the last chapter of your life story. Yes, the Ozanam Home is the Home for Aged is a ray of hope for the hopeless.

Full story and source in DAIJI World

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