Impact of Water Regulation on the Poor in Australia

John Freund, CM
May 16, 2007

In a portent of things to come around the globe the issue of water tarriff is already surfacing in Australia’s political discussion.

Gavin Dufty, manager, social policy and research, for the St Vincent de Paul Society in Victoria, writes of the current proposal….
“…such a proposal would not only disproportionately have an impact on low-income households with little or no disposable income to meet price increases. It would also send a perverse price signal to all households by significantly increasing water bills at a time when households are required to limit consumption. In effect, households would be penalised for good behaviour.

The St Vincent de Paul Society proposes that future water pricing should reflect the various household uses of water and align tariffs with the legal and other instruments that are used by the state to influence household consumption. ”

Full report

Vincentian Marian Youth on Water Issues 

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