May 12 Letter Carriers - Largest One-Day Food Drive

John Freund, CM
May 10, 2007

The National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) announced today that the nation’s largest food drive to combat hunger will be conducted this year on Saturday, May 12 in all 50 states and U.S. jurisdictions. On that day, letter carriers will collect non-perishable donations as they deliver mail along their postal routes.

The 15th annual NALC National Food Drive is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Carriers collected 70.5 million pounds of food in the 2006 drive, the third consecutive year the effort has exceeded 70 million pounds.

The food will be collected in over 10,000 communities by nearly 1,500 local branches of the postal union, along with rural carriers and other volunteers. Donations will be delivered to food banks, pantries and shelters that serve the area where the donations are collected.


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1 Comment

  1. proud to be a letter carrier

    I was appalled to learn that some of our letter carriers were unwilling to help to deliver the food drive cards and to pick up the food to help the needy and hungry people in our county….just because you are lucky enough to be a postal employee does not mean that everyone has that capability….there are people out there who need our help and deserve it too…..perhaps you do not need to call yourself a letter carrier if you are unwilling to help us that are proud to be letter carriers….