Vincentian Poverty Reduction - Call for Papers

John Freund, CM
April 10, 2007

What Would St. Vincent de Paul do about Today’s Global Poverty?

On this occasion of the First Vincentian Symposium on Poverty Reduction we ask faculty, staff, and students from DePaul University (Chicago), St. John’s University (New York City), Niagara University (Lewiston, NY), and Adamson University (Manila, Philippines) to submit an EXPERIENTIAL REFLECTION PAPER on how their research, teaching or service relates to the Vincentian values of poverty reduction.
Each author should reflect on their experience and answer the question: What Would St. Vincent de Paul do about Today’s Global Poverty? Each paper should include specific references to Vincentian values [Vincent’s legacy] and poverty reduction in any field or discipline. Best papers will be considered for a peer-reviewed publication in the Vincentian Heritage Journal and in an edited book on best practices of Vincentian poverty reuction in higher education in the three areas of teaching, research and service

Submission of abstracts (Max: 500 words): April 24, 2007
Submission of papers (About 4,00 words): July 31, 2007

Send your paper as an attachment in the Word to Marco Tavanti

For more information, please call Marco Tavanti at (312) 362-8463
Or Craig Mousin at (312) 362-8707

Only submission using the Chicago Manual of Style (15th Edition) will be considered.
Please refer to for additional guidelines.

A special thanks to the Vincentian Endowment Fund for sponsoring this initiative.


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