Holy Thursday [C], April 5, 2007

John Freund, CM
April 4, 2007

Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15

“The washing of the feet and the sacrament of the Eucharist: two expressions of one and the same mystery of love entrusted to the disciples, so that, Jesus says, ‘as I have done… so also must you do’ (Jn 13: 15).”
John Paul II, Holy Thursday 2003

Jesus took the command to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and pushed the definition of who is our neighbor, out, out, and still further out, until it reached to the ends of the earth and included all of humanity – all of God’s children.
Alvin Alexi Currier

The Eucharist is a mode of being, which passes from Jesus into each Christian, through whose testimony it is meant to spread throughout society and culture.
John Paul II, Mane Nobiscum Domine

In the Eucharist our God has shown love in the extreme, overturning all those criteria of power which too often govern human relations and radically affirming the criterion of service: “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mc 9:35). It is not by chance that the Gospel of John contains no account of the institution of the Eucharist, but instead relates the “washing of feet” (cf. Jn 13:1-20): by bending down to wash the feet of his disciples, Jesus explains the meaning of the Eucharist unequivocally.
John Paul II, Mane Nobiscum Domine

Great indeed is the mystery of which we have been made ministers. . . a mystery of divine diakonia which prompts the Word made flesh to wash the feet of his creation, thus showing that service is the high road in all genuine relationships between people: “You also should do as I have done to you” (Jn 13:15).
John Paul II, Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 2001

We have a lot of work to do. Every time we reach out and assuage someone’s hunger, and do that in memory of Jesus, a sense of Eucharist will bring to consciousness the Spirit and the real presence of Jesus – in us, through us, among us. That Spirit alone is capable of transforming the world and us.
Miriam Therese Winter, MMS

Thoughts for Your Consideration
The events of Holy Thursday connect us with Catholic Social Teaching. The Holy Thursday scriptures challenge us to move beyond ourselves into the freedom and joy of Jesus Christ which is shared in community. This divine spirituality inspires social change in the Christian community and in the whole world community.

The Exodus: In the first reading we are invited into the exodus story, the great story of God leading people from slavery to freedom, the great story of God bringing people together into a community. God’s spirit inspires the liberation of those who are enslaved. Liberation is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching.

The Passover Meal – The Eucharist: In the second reading, we are invited into the Passover meal which Jesus celebrated with his friends. We are invited into the Eucharist to receive the body of Christ and to become the living body of Christ. This solidarity with one another is essential to Catholic Social Teaching.

The Washing of Feet: In the Gospel story, we are invited into the Passover meal and the profound ritual of washing feet – the profound ritual of service. Service is what being a follower of Jesus is about. (It is so central to what Jesus is about, that some have proposed that we do this each Sunday, just as we share the Eucharist each week.) Service, especially to the poor and all those in need, is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching.

Service and Mutuality: The interaction between Jesus and Peter reminds us of the mutuality of service that is essential to the Christian life. Peter, along with all the other disciples, is told to go and do the same, but first he is also told that he has to have his feet washed. The Christian community is not a community of “domination over,” or a community where some have it and others do not, or a community divided by those in need and those not in need. We all need to serve and we all need to be served. In community we share our needs as well as our gifts with each other. Without this attitude Catholic Social Teaching can become a shallow charity.

Priestly Ministry: It is in light of the gospel story of the washing of the feet that the ministry of priests makes sense in the Christian churches. Through our baptism we are all priests. We all have things to learn and things to teach. Priesthood means humble service. It is in a spirit of humble service that we preach and live the gospel and work for social change.

Questions for Reflection in Your Faith Sharing Group

Where and how do people in our world need a new “exodus experience” today?

Share an experience of witnessing humble service. How did it touch you? How were you challenged?

Actions – Links

As we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, we recall the scandal of hunger in our world. Bread for the World has worked for 32 years as a Christian voice for ending hunger. Go to: http://www.bread.org/

The ONE Campaign is an effort supported by Bread for the World to rally Americans — ONE by ONE — to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. Go to: http://www.one.org/

Prayers of Intercession

Response: God, bring us together as one people.

For all those who do not have enough to eat this evening, we pray. . .

For all those who do not have a home this evening, we pray. . .

For all those who live in fear of war, terrorism, and violence, we pray. . .

For all those who need to be set free from political and economic oppression, we pray. . .

For all those called to service, especially to service of those most in need, we pray. . .

For our church, that we may be renewed in the spirit of Jesus, we pray. . .


Thanks for sight
sight that comes in Jesus
insight about ourselves and the world
insight about the way of Jesus
the way of compassionate love.

Thanks for life and all that nourishes life
the food of bread and grain,
fruits and vegetables,
meat and fish,
milk and all proteins
air and water
sun and breeze
earth and sea
space and mystery
friend and companion
stranger and refugee
young and old
the familiar and the new.

Thanks for the life of the spirit
for prayer and meditation
for silence and sound
for sacrament and scripture
for community and tradition
for poverty and wealth
for wisdom shared
for conversation and silence
for unity and diversity.

Thanks for all the challenges
for the call
to act for justice
to serve others
to live in peace
for the feelings that teach us
to know ourselves and others and you
to be restless for what is right
to speak out for what is good
to witness to what is of God.

Glory to you through all the ages! Amen!

Courtesy of Education for Justice

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