Text of Pope's New Document on the Eucharist

March 15, 2007

The Vatican website has published the text of Pope Benedict’s Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist.
Sacramentum Caritas

In outline…

Introduction [1]

The food of truth [2]
The development of the eucharistic rite [3]
The Synod of Bishops and the Year of the Eucharist [4]
The purpose of the present Exhortation [5]


The Church’s eucharistic faith [6]

The blessed Trinity and the Eucharist

The bread come down from heaven [7]
A free gift of the Blessed Trinity [8]

The Eucharist: Jesus the true Sacrificial Lamb

The new and eternal covenant in the blood of the Lamb [9]
The institution of the Eucharist [10]
Figura transit in veritatem [11]

The Holy Spirit and the Eucharist

Jesus and the Holy Spirit [12]
The Holy Spirit and the eucharistic celebration [13]

The Eucharist and the Church

The Eucharist, causal principle of the Church [14]

The Eucharist and ecclesial communion [15]

The Eucharist and the Sacraments

The sacramentality of the Church [16]

I. The Eucharist and Christian initiation
The Eucharist, the fullness of Christian initiation [17]
The order of the sacraments of initiation [18]
Initiation, the ecclesial community and the family [19]

II. The Eucharist and the sacrament of reconciliation

Their intrinsic connection [20]
Some pastoral concerns [21]

III. The Eucharist and the anointing of the sick [22]

IV. The Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders

In persona Christi capitis [23]
The Eucharist and priestly celibacy [24]
The clergy shortage and the pastoral care of vocations [25]
Gratitude and hope [26]

V. The Eucharist and matrimony

The Eucharist, a nuptial sacrament [27]
The Eucharist and the unicity of marriage [28]
The Eucharist and the indissolubility of marriage [29]

The Eucharist and Eschatology

The Eucharist: a gift to men and women on their journey [30]
The eschatological banquet [31]
Prayer for the dead [32]

The Eucharist and the Virgin Mary [33]


Lex orandi and lex credendi [34]
Beauty and the liturgy [35]

The Eucharistic celebration, the work of �Christus Totus�

Christus totus in capite et in corpore [36]
The Eucharist and the risen Christ [37]

Ars celebrandi [38]

The Bishop, celebrant par excellence [39]
Respect for the liturgical books and the richness of signs [40]
Art at the service of the liturgy [41]
Liturgical song [42]

The Structure of the Eucharistic Celebration [43]

The intrinsic unity of the liturgical action [44]
The liturgy of the word [45]
The homily [46]
The presentation of the gifts [47]
The Eucharistic Prayer [48]
The sign of peace [49]
The distribution and reception of the Eucharist [50]
The dismissal: �Ite, missa est� [51]

Actuosa participatio [52]

Authentic participation [53]
Participation and the priestly ministry [53]
The eucharistic celebration and inculturation [54]

Personal conditions for an �active participation� [55]
Participation by Christians who are not Catholic [56]
Participation through the communications media [57]
Active participation by the sick [58]
Care for prisoners [59]
Migrants and participation in the Eucharist [60]
Large-scale celebrations [61]
The Latin language [62]
Eucharistic celebrations in small groups [63]

Interior participation in the celebration

Mystagogical catechesis [64]
Reverence for the Eucharist [65]

Adoration and Eucharistic devotion

The intrinsic relationship between celebration and adoration [66]
The practice of eucharistic adoration [67]
Forms of eucharistic devotion [68]
The location of the tabernacle [69]


The Eucharistic form of the Christian life

Spiritual worship � logik� latre�a (Rom 12:1) [70]

The all-encompassing effect of eucharistic worship [71]
Iuxta dominicam viventes � living in accordance with the Lord’s Day [72]
Living the Sunday obligation [73]
The meaning of rest and of work [74]
Sunday assemblies in the absence of a priest [75]

A eucharistic form of Christian life, membership in the Church [76]
Spirituality and eucharistic culture [77]
The Eucharistic and the evangelization of cultures [78]
The Eucharist and the lay faithful [79]
The Eucharist and priestly spirituality [80]
The Eucharist and the consecrated life [81]
The Eucharist and moral transformation [82]
Eucharistic consistency [83]

The Eucharist, a mystery to be proclaimed

The Eucharist and mission [84]
The Eucharist and witness [85]
Christ Jesus, the one Saviour [86]
Freedom of worship [87]

The Eucharist, a mystery to be offered to the world

The Eucharist, bread broken for the life of the world [88]
The social implications of the eucharistic mystery [89]
The food of truth and human need [90]
The Church’s social teaching [91]
The sanctification of the world and the protection of creation [92]
The usefulness of a Eucharistic Compendium [93]

Conclusion [94]

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