UN, Tech Leaders Discuss 'Digital Divide'

March 1, 2007

Mar 1, 2007
United Nations officials met with Silicon Valley executives to discuss the “digital divide,” the growing gap between the world’s wealthiest and most computer literate people and the impoverished masses without Internet access, an Associated Press report said.

The report said the meeting, organized by Intel and the UN’s Global Alliance for Information and Communications Technology and Development, was billed as the first between UN officials and technology executives and venture capitalists.

The Associated Press report further said more than 100 executives and officials from more than 30 countries attended the half-day conference. They discussed low-cost ways to get broadband Internet access to Africa, build computer centers throughout the developing world and encourage entrepreneurship.

Intel chairman Craig Barrett said the firm was working with 60 governments in the developing world to bring low-cost financing of personal computers and high-speed Internet access to 1 billion people. The company is also working with education ministries in 40 countries to train 9 million teachers by 2011, the report said.

Source – America’s Network


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