SVDP President asks Congress to Help the Most Vulnerable

February 5, 2007

In a letter to members of Congress, National President Joseph Flannigan asks that they remember America’s most needy in the 2007 Farm Bill and FY 2008 Budget. “Please give those who are poor in America a chance,” he said. “Remember children and their caregivers, the elderly and the disabled who live in poverty. Their needs are simple yet urgent — sufficient food to eat day-to-day, basic cleanliness, shelter from the elements. These needs should not be an option. If we are to be a strong country, every American must be free from fear of want with hope for a better life and the tools to make this possible.” He asks Congress to:

· Invest new resources to make food stamp benefit allotments sufficient to meet real world needs.

· Extend eligibility to vulnerable populations.
· Connect more eligible people with benefits.
· Adequately support emergency feeding programs.

“An estimated 80 percent of food stamp benefits go to families with children and much of the balance goes to seniors and the disabled. Please provide adequately for their food needs.”

He added, “Sanitation is necessary for health and wellbeing, yet currently the Food Stamp Program does not cover basics such as laundry soap, bath soap, toilet paper and supplies — items often taken for granted in day-to-day life. Please help to take care of the neediest.”

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