SVDP Canada - VIncentian Stations of the Cross

February 3, 2007

“People of the Towel and Water – Seekers and Stewards”

St. Augustine wrote that “there is no more profitable occupation for the soul than to meditate daily on the Passion of Our Lord.”

The Father willed that his blessed and glorious Son, whom he gave to us and who was born for us, should through his own blood offer himself as a sacrificial victim on the altar of the cross. This was to be done not for himself through whom all things were made, but for our sins. It was intended to leave us an example of how to follow in his footsteps. Furthermore, let us produce worthy fruits of penance. Let us also love our neighbours as ourselves. Let us have charity and humility. Let us give alms because these cleanse our souls from the stains of sin.
– St. Francis of Assisi

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